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Increasing your metabolic rate has a significant role in achieving and maintaining your desired weight. Metabolic rate is the number of calories you burn when the body is at rest, and therefore, a higher metabolic rate means you burn more calories. These are some of the tips you need to observe on diet and lifestyle changes to boost up your metabolism:

Integrate protein foods

Several of the protein-containing meals have a high thermic effect of food and therefore help you to put up a lot of effort in digesting the meal as well as other nutrients, which results in a high BMR. Proteins, on the other hand, will help increase your metabolism level by 15-30%, in contrast to 5-10% for carbohydrates and 0-3% for fats. Introducing protein in the form of whey protein, lean meats, fish, eggs, dairy produce, legumes, and nuts into your meal plans is a productive idea.

Stay Hydrated

Water is significant in the body due to the metabolic process. It is recommended that if you want to increase your metabolism, you can drink cold water because one has to spend some amount of energy to warm the water up. Try to drink at least 8 glasses of water in a day and one glass of water before a meal to help prevent overeating.

Drink green tea or coffee

Green tea and coffee contain caffeine and other antioxidants that improve metabolism intensity. Green tea contains a high amount of catechins that can possibly boost fat loss and insulin levels. As many as five cups of green tea or coffee per day can help you enjoy these benefits.

Do High Intensity Training, or HIIT

For the HIIT workouts, you have short intervals of exercise with maximum effort and then periods of rest in between. Such kind of training seems to enhance the metabolic rate for several hours after the workout. You should always take whey protein Isolate pre- or post-workout to help you out with your exercise.

Strength Training

Please click here to learn more about strength training, which is one of the most effective ways to increase the metabolism, as muscle tissue requires more energy than fat tissue even when the body is at rest. Trying to lift weights at least two times per week and with focus on each major muscle group. With the help of weight gainer, these exercises will help you maintain proper shape and size.

Eat smaller, more frequent meals

Splitting your meals into smaller portions of the day will also ensure that your metabolism is active most of the time. It is better to divide the number of meals into five or six portions instead of three heavy meals. By maintaining the body at a moderate level, it can avoid low energy feel as well as low hunger levels while enhancing the metabolic rate.

Get Enough Sleep

Lack of sleep may predictably result in alterations of your metabolism as well as hunger and appetite-regulating hormones. Get 7-9 hours of sleep every night to be able to boost your metabolic health. Scheduling for sleeping also increases the quality of sleep in one’s bed at night.

Consume spicy foods

Substances with cayenne pepper, for example, raise metabolism for the first half an hour to forty minutes, then calories burned are minimized by lowering the body temperature. Add spices to foods to introduce their taste and increase base metabolic rate at the same time.

Include healthy fats

Some nuts, seeds, avocados, and fatty fish serve as good sources for constructing hormones and enhancing general health. Fat from fish such as salmon, which are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, is also beneficial for increasing the level of fat loss and improving insulin sensitivity. Try to incorporate these fats in limited quantities as part of the total intake of daily food.


Increasing metabolic rate is a combination of the diet and the lifestyle. It is possible to improve your metabolic rate by including nutrient-dense foods, drinking water, performing HIIT and strength training exercises, getting enough sleep, and choosing healthy foods. Bear in mind that tiny alterations make a big difference.